
Various team and personal projects I have worked on

Ride Engineering Competition

Winter - Spring 2024

Role: Head of Mechanical Design

Goal: To design, fabricate, and present a fully functional scale rollercoaster featuring multiple safety and controls elements which could thrill Starburst Candies.

River Simulation Flume

2023 - 2025

Role: Flow Inlet Engineer

Goal: Design and construct a flume to simulate the flow of a river to test a PHD research theory on flow control

Shaft Design Software Project

Winter 2024

Role: Programmer

Goal: Use JavaScript to design a program which could take user-provided input and output the minimum diameter of a machine shaft required to meet a specified factor of safety in given operating and loading conditions.

Theme Park HTML Website

2020 - Current

Role: Programmer and Graphic Designer

Goal:Use javascript, HTML, CSS, and graphic design to create an interactive and fully funtional website advertising a disney-inspired theme park.

| View Final Product

Triton Robo-Sub (Robotic Submarine)

Winter - Spring 2023

Role: Mechanical Team Member

Goal: Design and prototype a mount to secure LED headlights to the submarine in desired positions which could endure rigorous underwater operation.

JPL Invention Challenge

2018 - 2020